Interesting Facts About Quizzes

Quiz is a type of test in which the participants (individuals or teams) are supposed to answer the questions correctly that is asked to them. Through quizzes one can knowledge about out his/her mental abilities and skills. When a person correctly answers any question he/she can score points and at the end of the quiz the winners are awarded prizes depending upon their performance.

Brief history about quizzes

When man evolved from apes, his braining started functioning better than before. His mind could perceive better and was full of quizzes and ideas about things that were available in the nature. Soon, he started making use of these things and made fire and other tools that could help him for food and shelter. As time passed by geniuses were born with high IQ or developed it during their life time. Now, the man has become so clever that he is finding ways to do cloning, escape death, etc. He may or may not find the accurate answer to his questions but it is inevitable that in his lifetime he may face a wide variety of quizzes.

Here are interesting facts about quizzes to help you understand the different kinds of quizzes

1. Simple quiz

Participants are supposed to answer the questions that are asked to them. The score is the sum of total number of correct answers.

2. Score based quiz

This type of quiz is similar to simple quiz. However, each correct answer accompanies points. Incorrect answer may result in deduction of points. The total number of correct answer is the score.

3. Rapid-fire quiz

Rapid-fire quiz is all about answering questions at a very fast pace. The level of difficulty increases from the first to the last question, first one being easy whereas the last being very tough.

4. Survey

Surveys are done to gather information by providing a set of question with choice of multiple answers. Since the user conducts survey to gain information, no points or winners are chosen.

5. Personality test

Personality test is done to assess the personality of an individual. A person’s behavior, mindset and feelings can be easily analyzed.

6. Lateral thinking

Lateral thinking is a type of quiz that is not solved by means of our habitual mind patterns but through indirect and creative approach in a view to explore and examine the possibilities of new ideas.

7. Math test

This kind of quiz involves dealing with all kind of math problems such as measurements, algebra, simplify, integers, geometry, probability, etc.

8. Vocabulary test

A vocabulary test is done to analyze an individual’s command over the language (written and verbal) and his ability to communicate effectively with the right usage of words.

9. Reasoning

This kind of quiz is allows you to find out rational and logical thinking of a person in a view to understand his beliefs, conclusions, thought process and emotions

10. Quiz games

There are plenty of quiz games such as crosswords, sodukos, word games such as anagram, scrabbles, hangman, etc that can help anyone in improving their IQ. Video games or PC games are also very useful in increasing your IQ because while playing such games you encounter various levels of difficulties.

Here are some interesting statistics about quizzes:

1. Women are better at quizzes than men especially when it comes to the ones where they have to give descriptive answers. They have also been proved to recall things and places better than men. Men are better than women when it comes to tackling logical questions.

2. Women are known to take quizzes that interest them while men usually for to territories that they haven’t tried before.

3. The impetus of quizzing during schooling has led to kids having better general knowledge than elders. Kids who excel in GK quizzing turn out to be more aware about the world when they grow up, compared to those who don’t.

Matthew Brown is a researcher and analyst of Money quiz is a global skill-based game where players compete from all around the World by using their knowledge. Each game consists of 16 multiple choice questions with different difficulty levels covering various subjects. Registered users can play the daily quiz game by buying chips and taking stakes on ones game score. At the end of each day’s quiz game all the individual games played are ranked by their scores. The daily game pool is distributed to all players of the particular day according to pre-defined winnings distribution.